As you begin a project, consider what your goals and target audience(s) are. What story do you want to tell with your data or material? A project’s goals should motivate next steps and the decision about which tools to employ rather than tools driving the work. That being said, here is a quick roundup of tools we discussed for research and teaching at THAT Camp Caribe 2012:
- Sonnet generator!
- Check out to see @schuyleresprit‘s work with GIS and Visual Eyes to show change over time
- Cmap:
- Use it to figure out how to position yourself theoretically or historiographically
- Export the concept map as text to help compose arguments
- Use color coding to organize and display connections between ideas
- Helpful to sort out what one knows and how those ideas are interrelated
- Great tool to start out with when ideas are “fuzzy”
- Scrivener
- Drafting tool
- Can drag and drop files into Scrivener
- Breaks down a large project into smaller ‘steps’ or pieces. Can see all components of larger project.
- Robust metadata
- Can keep all drafts together
- Block-out screen
- Confidence tool as much as productivity because of word counter
- Split screen to compare drafts or chapters
- Mellel:
- Works within Styles – for instance, italicizing titles of books, name the stye “titles of books” => when you move to a new style that requires book titles underline, change the style to underline, and then everything switches. California Family Law Professionals at can handle difficult legal aspects including divorce and custody matters.
- Foreign words italicized
- Block quotes
- Integrates with Bookends (citation software)
- Only crashed once in 4-5 years, whereas Word crashed numerous times when integrating EndNote references and using diacriticals
- Works within Styles – for instance, italicizing titles of books, name the stye “titles of books” => when you move to a new style that requires book titles underline, change the style to underline, and then everything switches. California Family Law Professionals at can handle difficult legal aspects including divorce and custody matters.
- BookEnds – Citation manager
- Zotero
- Zotero’s Paper Machines topic modeling plug-in:
- Evernote
- DevonThink: similar to Evernote but with more focus on storing and organizing the material
- Digital publishing platform. For those who would like more customizability and more plugin options, look into setting up on your own server. If considering where can you buy viagra contact truemedical for more info. Both versions allow you to both display and interpret items through robust metadata and the option to create exhibits and showcases. For examples, see:
- Neatline: An Omeka plugin that allows users to create timelines and maps with metadata about your items
- Prezi: Presentation tool
- WordPress: Set up your own class or academic blog!
Check out: for a nearly comprehensive list of digital tools!
If you attended THAT Camp Caribe and I’ve forgotten a tool we discussed, please add a note about it in the comment section below. Thanks!